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i myself am considered (D-)Generation X. According to the news, we are the last generation who has "a shot." At what, i don't know. Im lucky to have a good job and awesome family. Just keep swimming, swimming swimming.

i myself am considered (D-)Generation X. According to the news, we are the last generation who has "a shot." At what, i don't know. Im lucky to have a good job and awesome family. Just keep swimming, swimming swimming.

And if you're not down with that we got two words for ya....
We are the last generation that has a shot huh? I am kind of curious what they mean by that. Also I should say that I think it would be cool to take an accidental thread post and turn it into a meaningful discussion, so this is my attempt at continuing that with what @dustinb12 stated above. I think that it is a bit of a blanket statement to make and we have really yet to see the world in which the generations coming up are living in, and things change at a rapid pace everyday so I believe that it is irresponsible to make general assumptions like that. Just my opinion.
You know what, maybe this thread isn't so bad after all....

it was my attempt at helping our new friend (you) feel welcome. I just shot from the hip!

We are the last generation that has a shot huh? I am kind of curious what they mean by that. Also I should say that I think it would be cool to take an accidental thread post and turn it into a meaningful discussion, so this is my attempt at continuing that with what @dustinb12 stated above. I think that it is a bit of a blanket statement to make and we have really yet to see the world in which the generations coming up are living in, and things change at a rapid pace everyday so I believe that it is irresponsible to make general assumptions like that. Just my opinion.

Yeah, i got that from a financial doom and gloom article from Yahoo. Of course. It had to do with mortgage rates and how the millennials will never move out blah blah blah. I just felt kinda good being Gen X. Remember when they called us slackers?
I feel like every generation gets called slackers, and I know that we have (I believe I am a Millennial, I think) and you say that Gen X'ers were before, so it seems like a trend. In my first post I think that I though I was a Gen X'er but I think I was wrong but I am still not sure (I am 29). Even so I feel older than my age if I am considered a Millennial because I like to think that I do have the spoiled or slacker mentality that gets attributed to Millennials, which maybe why I do not like the blanket statement to begin with. I know that I work hard, and that is all I can control.
yeah, i think 36 and up is X now. Stupid silly labels. Glad to hear you're working hard and like you say, its all we can do.

I'm just realizing, this thread is under 3ds games: Maybe we were supposed to be talking on Pokemon X? My bad y'all
Well in our defense it did seem like it was just a throw away thread, or an accidental one, that @Frankie2353 started. Unfortunately I cannot really speak to Pokemon X though, so I hope that nobody is upset with the direction that we took. Anyways, so I guess at 29 I am a Millennial. You are right on the stupid label thing, because I really do not associate with them.
Technically I'm Gen-X. Personally, I think every generation says the next is lazy and slackers. It's called growing up and maturing. Nothing wrong with Millennials. EVERYONE changes with age and sees things differently every passing year.

On the other hand, I just picked up a 3DS on Balck Friday and one of the games I got was Pokémon X. So far I'm very pleased.

I think I covered both X's there. Unless you want to talk about ex's. That's a whole different topic lol.
Before millennials were called millennials, they were called Generation Y.
thats true, i forgot about that.

<<<<<<also: X. see avatar. Straight Edge

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