SNES Worst Super NES game?

Another SNES DUMP:


Yeah. It was horrible.

This has to be a joke/homebrew....No way in hell this is legit. ;)
Philadelphia for the SNES? I'm not familiar with that particular game... how does it compare to Sophie's Choice for the Atari 2600? ;)
I hear Terms of Endearment on the Commodore 64 beats 'em all!
And I maintain that the ColecoVision's Kramer vs Kramer was the Mortal Kombat of its day! ;)
Wasn't Legit. My mother ran a Hollywood Videos store in our town where I grew up (when they were still around) and that game would have definitely been on the shelf. No joke, owner had bad tastes. (Or maybe it wasn't? WHO KNOWS?!)

Another horrible "list" is located here:

And I tend to agree with some of their picks, like Bebes Kids. And Revo X.
At that Hollywood Video where your mom worked, did they happen to have a copy of 'The Shawshank Redemption' for Genesis?

I did a bit of part time work at a HV for a short while. The 'manager' would regularly not show up at all, forget to lock up at night, eat loads of candy from the shelves, and conduct himself in a generally poor manner. The place was a dump located in a shabby little plaza, and was dying even then. On an average evening we would have no more than 15 customers, many of which just wandered around and didn't buy/rent anything. :(

This list describes Obitus thusly: "What we are dealing with here is a Dungeons and Dragons knockoff game ala Eye of the Beholder. These games were better on the PC, but just did not work on the 16-bit SNES. The best way I can describe Obitus is to picture Eye of the Beholder, then break everything. We’re talking bad controls, confusing mechanics, bland visuals, impossible enemies, cruddy sound effects, and no music."

Having never played Obitus myself, I have to ask: How does Obitus compare to what I consider to be the worst, most broken and unplayable D&D game, Heroes of the Lance on the NES? (Particularly painful as I would love to have an at-least-passable-if-not-great video game based upon the original trilogy of DragonLance novels!)

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