SNES Worst Super NES game?


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2014
Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzegovina
There are many games we've fallen in love with on this wonderful console.
But let's take a look at the bad ones :D

What is the worst game you have ever played on a Super Nintendo?
Shaq Fu has to be one of the worst; if not THE worst game on the SNES. I couldn't play more then 2 minutes of the game before vomiting. I'm sure there are more to add, but the traumatic experience has; no doubt, blocked them from my memory.
The worst game I've played was Home Alone.
Seriously, I didn't know what my goal was or what the deal with the game was in general.
I could only guess based on the movie...
I'm going to have to go obscure and say: Bebe's Kids. Terrible video game. These are one of those games that reinforce the idea that you should not make movie/video game tie-ins.
Not Bebe's Kids... Remember, They don't die they multiply.
Basically every single movie-tie in... but I guess ET wins or fails everything? I mean dang that was a bad game ya'll.
Shaqfu is art, Shaqfu is sublime...and Shaqfu is love. Any negative words about it are heresay of the highest order!

Worst game I personally played on the snes was probably Secret of the Stars. Its worst crime was being a very boring, mediocre rpg with hideous cover art if I recall correctly. No, it has zero relation to Secret of Mana, before anyone asks. Final Fantasy Mystic Quest is bad too but it has awesome music and I liked how the bosses changed sprites as you damaged them. Someone mentioned the Home Alone game but I didn't play it on the snes, I played it on the genesis. Yes it was bad but this is worst snes games :p.
Okay... Mario Paint... I mean... the only actual fun part of that game was fly swatting or maybe the music making part, but still that was kind of lame... Else it was simply like Paint on a computer... BORING!!!!!!
Shaq Fu has to be one of the worst; if not THE worst game on the SNES. I couldn't play more then 2 minutes of the game before vomiting. I'm sure there are more to add, but the traumatic experience has; no doubt, blocked them from my memory.

My dear lord, I can't un-remember it if I tried.
I've never had the, um, let's say "honour" of playing Shaq-Fu for myself. However, the very fact that there's a website solely dedicated to "liberating" every possible cartridge of Shaq-Fu surely speaks volumes as to just how terrible it must be! There are plenty of games that people routinely nominate as being the worst of any system period, but I'm hard-pressed to think of another game that has earned that dubious "honour!"

On another note, I think that Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest gets a bad rap and doesn't belong on a list of the worst SNES games when compared to so many other more deserving candidates. Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest is perfectly fine if you view it as I did back in the day, as a lighter introduction to Square's RPGs for younger players.
Yeah, Shaq-Fu is pretty rough, but I'd put 'Wayne's World' on the list, as well. Pretty much any film-based game, really.

Thankfully, the SNES library is filled with so many gems that one can overlook the crap.
Thankfully, the SNES library is filled with so many gems that one can overlook the crap.

That sentence is exactly how I feel. However, there are plenty of other horrible games that need to come to light. Or stay in the shadows forever... like....

Mario's Early Years: FUN WITH LETTERS


Everyone agrees they'd rather tear out their own ear drums rather than listen to the subpar voice acting, the lame dialogues, and extremely tacky systems.

Another one that comes to mind is Pit Fighter because of the wonky controls.

"Fun with Letters." Somehow, I am highly skeptical of the accuracy of that game's title! ;)
Oh man, Pit Fighter was a mess and I agree that just about all the movie tie in games were bad. Does anyone remember the Rocketeer? I don't even like thinking about it. ShinyTentacruel you are spot on with Secret of the Stars. For a system that had some of the best RPGs of all time, this one is just awful. What really gets me is it came out in 1995 so I can't even say, well it was an early title and then things got better. Has anyone here ever played Obitus? That is an even worse RPG and it gets my vote as the worst SNES game ever.
I rank Shaq-Fu and Wayne's World on the same plane. Not only were they both horrible but they those game, when you got home and put them, sat down to play and started them up, you were instantly angry you spent money on them. Even 50 cents at a yard sale is still asking too much in my opinion.
Even 50 cents at a yard sale is still asking too much in my opinion.

In terms of gameplay I agree with you 100%. I'd pay .50 for nearly any SNES cart, though; homebrewers and those wishing to replace broken carts often love that original ABS plastic. A good hot soak to fully remove the label along with a good toothbrush/dish soap scrub and you have a classic template. :cool:
Unfortunately, price only weakly correlates with the quality of game play in the collector's market--the correlation between price and scarcity and demand are much higher. (The aforementioned Shaq-Fu website's mission to remove it from the market can be largely thanked for driving up the price of what cartridges remain out there.)
Another SNES DUMP:


Yeah. It was horrible.

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