Which Link is the best?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2014
Super NES
Every new Zelda game gives us a new version of our favorite Hero of Time. Sure, there have been a few stinkers *cough*Faces of Evil *cough*, but overall each Link tends to be pretty awesome.

So, which version of Link is your favorite?

My gf and I go over our picks in this video:

The voice in this video is not only hilarious, It kept me watching. WORSE THAN A HANDLEBAR MOUSTACHE LOL.

The editing in the video is well done and split well with other frames. It was freaking creepy too in MM. LOL. This is my personal setup from your video:

1. OOT Link is my favorite.
2. LTTP: Link from link to the past.
3. Windwaker. Those dodging eyebrows LOL.
4. 8 bit link.
5. Wolf link.
Ocarina of Time FTW^^
I love all the Links, but that's the one I simply enjoyed and with who I played most^^
I have to say that number two would be Twilight Link, only because he got these special sword attack moves.
The voice in this video is not only hilarious, It kept me watching. WORSE THAN A HANDLEBAR MOUSTACHE LOL.

The editing in the video is well done and split well with other frames. It was freaking creepy too in MM. LOL. This is my personal setup from your video:

Thank you so much! :D So happy to hear that you enjoyed the video, and weren't disgusted at our voice acting :p We were actually both getting over a cold when we recorded this, so I was worried that it would turn out weird.

Both of us spent a lot of time trying to figure out which Links to put on this list. A Link to the Past was a contender for a long time, as it was my favorite Zelda game, until I played Wind Waker. OOT Link definitely had to be on the list, though, because that game just completely transformed the entire franchise.

Again, thank you so much for watching! Your comments really made my day :)

Ocarina of Time FTW^^
I love all the Links, but that's the one I simply enjoyed and with who I played most^^
I have to say that number two would be Twilight Link, only because he got these special sword attack moves.

Yeah, OOT is one of the most amazing games of all time. You really can't deny how awesome OOT Link is.

And yeah, TP Link's special moves definitely give him an edge. He's definitely the most no-nonsense Link in the whole series.
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guess i have to go with WW Link, due to the fact its the only Zelda I've been through 3 times so far. This is a very tough question to answer
It's indeed a tough questions^^ We just love all our Links, no matter which game they come from :p
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IKR? When my gf and I started making this video, we didn't quite know how we could narrow it down to five :p Fudging the numbers and making it six helped a little lol

Wind Waker is definitely one of those games that you can replay and still enjoy every moment. Nintendo did a great job on the HD remake, keeping the fun and making some parts even better.
Which Link is best? Simple. Adult Link, OOT. He was allowed to gamble and walk the streets at night, like when he was a kid. But Adult link looks suave in any tunic and the Hylian shield looks just perfect for his arm. The other motions with him for rolling, diving, and jumping were pretty good for Nintendo 64.
Haha, suave is totally the best way to describe Adult Link in OoT! He really showed us how much of a bad ass he could be. And his animations were absolutely top notch!
Failing Adult Link from OOT, Link moved pretty nicely in the Windwaker because it felt more back-to-the SNES-NES genre type, but with free range of motion. Failing that even, I'd say Skyward Sword felt natural.
I like the Ocarina, Wind Waker, and Hyrule Warriors Links the best.
Obviously the best Link is the one from the Zelda cartoon... "Well excuuuuUUUUuuUUUUse ME, Princess!"


Hahaha, he was so whiney.

Okay, I have a three-way tie here for my favourite Link:

Legend of Zelda (NES)

A Link to the Past (SNES):

And finally, adult Link in Ocarina of Time (N64):

Nothing too controversial here, eh? :)
The Wind Waker Link is my favorite. I'm aware of the Chibi style, but those head and eyes are still huge.
I very much agree with @Shane plus WW link has awesome facial expressions. Like in my profile picture!

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