DS What's your favorite DS title?

I think my favorite Nintendo DS game would probably be Pokemon Diamond
My favorite DS title was probably Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. I know the system also has remakes of Final Fantasy and other great fantasy turn based rpgs, but this was by far my favorite. While not as graphically stunning at the time as it's GBA version, and a shorter story, it was still enjoyable. I also enjoyed Phantom Hourglass, it was kind of like Wind Waker on the go.
My favourite title is Wario Ware touched. For anyone that does not know what this game, it is pretty much just a bunch of mini games. It is quite old and was made the original DS, but it is still very fun to play still.
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Castelvania: Dawn of Sorrow
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
My favorite Nintendo DS title would have to be Pokemon Diamond. It was the first game that I purchased when I first received my Nintendo DS. Not only that, but it was the first Pokemon-related game that I ever bought. When I first started, I thought that the game was really bad because it was turn-based. However, as my journey through Sinnoh went on, I started to like the game a lot. After beating the game, I soon realized my obsession over Pokemon games. I guess that Pokemon Diamond opened the doors for me, and let me experience a true and excellent Pokemon adventure.
Super Mario 64 DS but if it doesn't count, either The Sims 2 or Animal Crossing: Wild World.
There are so many excellent titles on this little beast, it's hard just to pick one. The Nintendo DS is sort of the PlayStation 2 of handhelds. It's a system which has achieved incredible sales numbers with wide support from developers, ensuring a slew of amazing games.

My all time favorite DS game is probably Contra 4 developed by WayForward Technologies and published by Konami. I absolutely love the Contra franchise so this was a day one purchase for me. Fortunately, I wasn't disappointed with my purchase. This is a game that's got it all: awesome pixel art graphics, brilliant soundtrack and non-stop shooting & platforming action. The controls are tight and the end of level bosses are awe-inspiring. It's also a game that I always go back and play, it's that addictive.
Mario Kart DS
Wow, the DS? That thing has probably the largest library of solid titles I can think of. Favorites have to be:

Final Fantasy 3
Pokemon (Diamond, Pearl, Platnium, Soul Silver, Heart Gold, Mystery Dungeons)
Metroid Prime Hunters
Super Mario 64
Phantom Hourglass
Big Brain Academy
Harvest Moon
Kirby Squeak Squad... so many hours
Full Metal Alchemist Trading Card Game
I bought a DS to play Pokemon so Pokemon (especially ORAS) are my favourites.
Anything made by Gryptonite. I mean what physics system, graphics animation system are they using? It's just so good. Spider man web of shadows was beautifully done, stringing those long combos together and just the general combat system and gameplay was solid. The Assassins Creed series was also a masterpiece, I loved the graphics and gameplay of Altair's Chronicles and also Discovery. Then there is Need for Speed Prostreet. The DS is just brilliant.
Mario Kart DS. Nothing is more fun than playing with your friends for many hours straight. We did get tired of it after a few months, but nevertheless we had a blast playing Mario Kart. Our skills didn't differ much which made it a lot more fun. Good thing none of us learned snaking! :D
All of the Professor Layton titles. They got me really hooked and the character development is just amazing. I'm still hunting for the older cartridges, since I want to complete the collection.
Theresia: Dear Emile. I made a thread about this, hoping to find other likeminded people. :p It's one of those unrecognized gems.
Touch Detective was also a really fun game - I enjoyed it the most for the character designs and the BGM, to be honest. Haha
Nanashi no Game was also entertaining, but I found the ending to be kind of a letdown...
And of course - all of the goddamn Lost in Blue titles. They're highly addicting (at least to me) even though they're so stupidly repetitive. >.>; I played LiB the most during my Hikikomori phase, where I'd just wake up and grab my DS to play LiB for hours on end... have something to snack on... and then go back to sleep. It was terrible, but it was terrible fun. :')
My top ten DS games are:
1. Animal Crossing: Wild World
2. The Sims 2
3. Super Mario 64 DS
4. Mario Kart DS
5. Pokemon: HeartGold/SoulSilver
6. Pokemon: Diamond/Pearl
7. Nintendogs
8. Urbz: Sims in the City
9. New Super Mario Bros.
10. Drawn to Life
Well I agree with what a lot of what the other users have brought up, and I think that Mario games are pretty universal when it comes to their appeal, but those are really my favorite ones to play. I was surprised to see The Sims and games like that on there, because I have not even seen those for the DS, but that changes things because I love these games and I always have, so I need to give them a try on the DS. Thanks for sharing.
There are so many excellent titles on this little beast, it's hard just to pick one. The Nintendo DS is sort of the PlayStation 2 of handhelds. It's a system which has achieved incredible sales numbers with wide support from developers, ensuring a slew of amazing games.

My all time favorite DS game is probably Contra 4 developed by WayForward Technologies and published by Konami. I absolutely love the Contra franchise so this was a day one purchase for me. Fortunately, I wasn't disappointed with my purchase. This is a game that's got it all: awesome pixel art graphics, brilliant soundtrack and non-stop shooting & platforming action. The controls are tight and the end of level bosses are awe-inspiring. It's also a game that I always go back and play, it's that addictive.

I agree. The DS is an amazing system and I've still yet to get more games from it!

My favorites are Phantom Hourglass and Unwound Future alongside SM64 DS obviously.
Mine is, My Stop Smoking Coach. I've been a non smoker for 5 years now. All thanks to that game.

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