Well-Known Member

The new rumor going around for the Nintendo Wii U is the development of the "reUmagined" line of games. These games are said to be "re-imaged" N64 titles. With a possible Gamecube title, here and there. With the success of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD that was recently released on the Wii U. Along with the short development time, yet, high profit margin, to go along with it. It seems that there is some excitement over this new line of games. Now, these won't be simple HD remakes. No, no. They will be "re-imaged" updates. For instance, the first game rumored to be "reUmagined" is going to be Super Mario 64.

Now, like all of these new titles in the "reUmagined" line of games, will all be visually upgraded like The Wind Waker was. However, in addition to that, they will also have all brand new features and modes. Plus, they will not get a retail release. They will all be digital releases, for $30 each.
For instance, in Super Mario 64, it's reported to have...
-- Completely updated HD visuals
-- 2 player simultaneous action, with Mario and Luigi as playable characters at the same time (just like the new Super Mario 3D World that's about to be released soon)
-- Control Option A allows Player 1 will have the Gamepad, and player 2 will have the tv. When together on screen, they will share the tv screen. However, when the two split up, player one can use the gamepad while player 2 can use the tv, until they come back together again.
-- Control Option B allows both players to use their own Gamepads. Yes, 2 Gamepads. That feature, which was first announced before the Wii U ever launched, will finally start to happen soon. In this play mode, each player has their own gamepad screen. meanwhile, the tv can switch back and forth between either player when apart, and have them both when together on screen.
-- Online play, with both players using their own Wii U online.
-- New modes, like timed challenges and what not.
This is crazy news, if true. It's all a rumor at the moment. But a list of games was sort of given. Here is the list of games planned in the "reUmagined" line of remakes..
Super Mario 64
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What they are is anybody's guess. And, speaking of which, my guess is, just based on the digits in each "title"..
Super Mario 64
Ridge Racer 64
Wave Race 64
Star Fox 64 or Mega Man 64
Excitebike 64 or Pilotwings 64
Pokemon Snap
1080 Snowboarding
I couldn't really think of anything else that fit the number of digits. I mean, there were a couple that were close, but didn't match exactly. So, for now, these are my guesses.
What are your thoughts on this potential new "reUmagined" line of Nintendo games. Digital only, $30 each, with upgraded visuals and brand new game modes and features. And, they could be released inbetween the retail games, to help with the "droughts" that come. Plus, they are relatively quick to develop (it only took 6 months to make The Wind Waker HD). So they won't have to spend a lot of time, money, or resources, to get these games pumped out.
Personally, I like the idea. Especially with games that will not only get new visuals and game modes, but for games that will now get to use TWO Gamepads. I've been waiting for that feature for a long time. So, yeah, I'm all for this rumor, if it happens to be true. What are your thoughts on it?