GameCube Resident Evil Games


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2013
I gotta say, the Gamecube Era resident evil games were some of the last few good resident evil games besides the spinoff games on ps2.. especially Resident Evil 0 and REmake.. which are some of the best games in the entire franchise.. I'd say the best game was between REmake and Code Veronica, which were both on the gamecube..

What do you guys think?

GC resident evil was the great hurrah? or no?
I'd expand that slightly to include the lightgun games on the Wii myself. Not quite 'true' Resident Evil games, but considering what we've gotten since 4, they're gold.

Maybe since they've recently ported 4 to the PC, and updated it, making it the best version on all platforms, we'll finally see a return to form from Cap...Oh wait, I just remembered this is Capcom.

We're fucked.
I'd expand that slightly to include the lightgun games on the Wii myself. Not quite 'true' Resident Evil games, but considering what we've gotten since 4, they're gold.

Maybe since they've recently ported 4 to the PC, and updated it, making it the best version on all platforms, we'll finally see a return to form from Cap...Oh wait, I just remembered this is Capcom.

We're fucked.

Pretty much.. I'm hope this rerelease of REmake is testing the water for the them to move back towards the creepy style of gameplay..
Pretty much.. I'm hope this rerelease of REmake is testing the water for the them to move back towards the creepy style of gameplay..
Or maybe giving the Wii U some freaking love. Re-releasing REmake, but no Wii U port? I'm also sad that RE4 didn't see a Wii U port as well, I mean granted it's been ported to every system known to man at this point, but can anyone deny that the attache case on the Wii U controller would not be amazing fun? Plus it would be a good title to hold Wii U owners over until newer titles come out. That's really what the Wii U needs right now: more titles to hold us over until bigger name titles come out.
Resident Evil was one game that I really liked on the console. I must say that at the time when I had a GameCube I really thought that it was the best thing that had ever existed on the planet.
I think REmake was the best to come out for the Gamecube. I got the chance to be terrified all over again because they moved everything around. The hallway didn't have the dogs where they were supposed to be and when they came later, I was scared to death.
Resident Evil is my all time favorite game series, and the Gamecube is what made that so. I first played Resident Evil 4 after purchasing it for a great deal at a local yard sale, and I was immediately sucked into the RE universe. After beating 4, I went back to the roots, and by that, I mean story wise. I bought RE0 and REmake online, and played them consecutively. These two games were amazing! After that, RE2 and RE3 were my favorites, even though the graphics were generations older. Code Veronica was so fun and so atmospheric. I'm not sure why so many people didn't like CV (probably because of Steve). Since then, I've played every RE, and I have enjoyed all of them, even RE5 and RE6.
I first played the very originals growing up through that era ( I am 28 years old ) and the very first one hooked me in. Not because of zombies, because of the viral conspiracies and evil bad guys. Umbrella and the Tyrants and Wesker himself, the series is a very cohesive storyline at the very least, and with all their spinoffs and movies are guaranteed to stay around. Resident Evil 4 was my favorite in terms of creepy horror. Backwoords Italy? Check. Horrific Parasistes? Check. Fun Battles? Bosses? Check and Check. Then came that Knife fight with Krauser. And that sealed it.

Swish bang out of the park.
I do wonder how people who've are too young (curse them!) to have played them the first time around are going to get on with the controls. The static shot was a really interesting way of doing the game (with the upside of being able to have much better graphics) but I will freely admit much of my terror came from being utterly unable to make Jill go where I wanted her to. These days ... I think it would just be a bit annoying. I've been giving FF7 a go on my PS3 and I'm really struggling with the 3d direction on the four button controls (rather than a stick).

I think my favourite is probably 0, mainly because I spent less time dying in it. 4 was good, but I got to the dwarf boss and didn't have the ammo to finish him, so I've been left with a bit of a downer on it.

Do the new versions have those loading screens? Because it's not Resi unless you've spent 8 hours looking at a door by the end of it.
They all have to have some variable form of loading screen, they can't be seemless transfers with the fact there is just so much world data that has to be loaded - they have to do it in segments. Yes, the newer ones still have doors.

Plenty of them.

The good thing? Most of them are still locked too! Requiring some obscure puzzle to be solved to open it--- just to find ... guess what? ANOTHER DOOR (dundunDUNNNN)
My favorite RE is Resident Evil 2 on the PlayStation, that is just pure perfection and I couldn't care less for any remakes. All the Resident Evils released on the GameCube were amazing, and just showcased how much more powerful the GC was compared to the PS2. However, my absolute favorite RE on the GameCube has got to be Resident Evil 4 - mind blowing!
It's my fourth favorite video game series and at the risk of being flamed, 5 and 6 are my favorites. I also really like Revelations and 4 as well and Revelations 2's campaign was just meh to me but I loved Raid Mode. Though to be fair, I'm honestly playing the original for the first time on my Xbox One (albeit with the updated controls and the modern Chris design) and I'm really enjoying it a lot. I plan on playing 2 and 0 when they're remake/re-releases come out as well.

Also, Chris Redfield is my third favorite video game character, behind Mario and Pikachu.
RE:2 was really one of the creepiest games I played as a kid. Or that franchise along with Silent Hill. Capcom was just so good at nailing survival horrors, it was like their thing. Or look at Tecmos Fatal Frame if you don't believe me. PS1 has some seriously creepy games.

Though it goes RE:2, RE:4 for me. I don't mind the others, probably would place 1 and then 6 next, then the revelations/Nemesis(3), then code veronica and resident evil 5 bringing up the tail end.
I'm a huge fan, as are most of my friends.
For me, Resident Evil 2 on PlayStation was the introduction to the series and since then I've played all the main games and many of the spin-offs.
I sorely miss the old RE games, their essence... in that sense, the GameCube made me very happy. But I also love the newer ones, or at least RE4 and RE5... 6 was kinda meh.
It's easy to stick with an idea of what the franchise is about and like either the older or newer games, but I think they both have very different and very good stuff to offer gamers in general, hence why I like them all. RE1 on GC with friends was a blast, and in a very different way I can say the exact same about RE5. :)

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