Literally found a 3DS

Left SM64 DS card on a table.
Went back FIVE minutes later, and it was gone, as if someone was waiting for me to leave it there.
Anyway, I don't think you stole it, but it really isn't the right thing to keep it. You got lucky Nintendo unlocked it for you, but at that moment you could have asked them for the owner.
I mean, the person who set up the code might have gone on the Internet, which Nintendo tracks activity of, which also means they could have tracked some location where the owners were.
At least, if I'm not mistaken that Nintendo does keep locations...
I'd be damned if I'd let someone take my 3DS, especially since I have a lot of personal stuff on there.
Jesus, you are really lucky man, I wish I could find one of those at a restaurant. The best thing I ever found was a scratched up memory card left behind at a barber shop.:( If I were you I would be really happy, congratulations.
It's pretty cool that you found a 3DS, but I think that it always sucks when someone loses something. That person probably really loved that 3DS and they probably got that sunken heart feeling when they realized that they were missing their beloved Nintendo 3DS. I understand if you weren't able to find the owner, but you should also know it sucks for them.
There is absolutely no way for OP to track down the owner of this 3DS. Stop white-knighting because in his position, more than 50% of you would have nabbed that thing up, me included, 100%.

However if you haven't searched Google extensively OP, let me know and we can do some searching on if we can reset it or not. However most likely you will have to call Nintendo and have them reset it via some code or something like that to be quite honest, unfortunately. I had to do the same thing with a second-hand one I bought a while back, a 3DSiXL or something like that (larger, older DS but slim). I called them and they were very helpful.

Honestly I'm pretty sure the reps don't care about the fact if you found it lying around or not. They're just trying to get through the day and go home, same as everybody else in the world. Just give Nintendo a ring, OP.
Let me tell you this I have the code to that ds I left it there because I did not know I had I would like to know more about it what color is it is it the xl and what theme is it on the home screen
I know this is from two years ago but I got to say I agree with these people. What's really sad is how he didn't even think anything of taking the 3DS and using it for himself. What if the original owners of the 3DS came back five minutes later? He could've restored somebody's sad day by taking it to a lost-and-found type thing. That's all I'm going to say.
I was talking about the guy above who claims it's his 3DS.
I know you don't want to hear this, but... this isn't yours and you are effectively stealing it. You should return it to the restaurant and try to get it back to the owners. Someone paid serious cash for this thing, and what you're doing is just really rather skeevy. How would you feel if this happened to you?
I completely agree. It's better to return to it the restaurant so that they may track down the owner of the 3DS. I'm not here to judge anyone, and call you out as a bad person for wanting to keep it. But it's far better if you do the right thing and return it. If you don't have the money to purchase a 3DS, then mow some lawns or take up a part-time job and you'll be able to afford one.

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