I'm a jerk, but interesting enough to talk to that it's worth putting up with that, lol


Jan 29, 2018
Hi, I'm Copen-08.

I'm around 30 years old; as well as a gamer, and developer.

My blunt honesty tends to get me into trouble, but I've normally got interesting topics to talk about.

I tend to care more about the data and results of something then how people feel about it, but I always give respect to those who give it to me, and even give respect by default just to be safe, lol.

I'm a scriptwriter, and programmer for work right now. In my free time I prefer reading on ways to better myself, gaming, reading about psychology, reflecting, and exercising.

I'm currently 255lbs, but I was 270 before Christmas, and even though I've stopped exercising I'm still keeping my weight off. I plan on getting back into running once it warms up, and stops being so wet outside.

As for my gaming: I prefer old and retro style games. I've been gaming since the NES, and really embraced it with the SNES. The N64 was my first 3D system, and the GameCube was where I played the first first online game I owned. I also really like SEGA, as I had a Genesis, and a Dreamcast. I've had a Sony system since the PS2, but I only own them for Japanese games. I had a Xbox in time to ride the Halo hype, but I don't really like Xbox consoles (I really do like Microsoft as a computer company though). Finally, I have Steam on my PC, and even a Steam Link. I'm a pad player, and so far I think the best pad is the 8Bitdo NES30 Pro, but the Joycon is a close 2nd.

Genre wise I like:
2D side Scrollers - Inti Creates just might be the greatest company ever.
Fighting Games - Capcom and Arcsys are king here.
Arena Fighters - Virtual-On Index here I come! Oh, and I also play Gundam Versus.
Mecha games - Armored Core is love, but 5 kinda ruined it with the MMO BS.
Zelda-likes - Anadyne, and Hyperlight Drifter are really cool.

I dislike:
"Modern" FPS - I perfer run and gun gameplay to cover and camping.
*Open World* - Open world always makes games worse then they really need to be. This is why FF13 was better then FF15, and why Mario Odyssey was better then BOTW.

Well, I think that is everything. I hope I'm welcome here. This seemed to be the best "Nintendo Forum" on Google's first page.
welcome! Please make the rounds and tell us what you think. Good job on the weight loss btw. I like to hit the gym, and really really like to eat if you know what i mean.
@MilkBone @dustinb12 Thanks, guys. Looking around this place doesn't seem extremely active, but that's probably just a sign of the times. I do like it here though. Any chance I can get some links to threads detailing this forums history? Also, anyone know how much staff there is here, and/or who they are? Are they still active?
@Copen-08 well, i was made Moderator a couple weeks ago, but for that kind of detail i'll have to direct you to @crunchyg . I work a 7 on , 7 off job so i pop in then disappear for a little while.
@MilkBone @dustinb12 Thanks, guys. Looking around this place doesn't seem extremely active, but that's probably just a sign of the times. I do like it here though. Any chance I can get some links to threads detailing this forums history? Also, anyone know how much staff there is here, and/or who they are? Are they still active?
Hey, thats why I like it so much! It isn't too active! You see those big reddit groups that have hundreds of active people. You can never get to know people too well! Having this small active group makes it more personal :)
@Heigw knows whats up, and I like that. I'm looking for a small group more then a active forum too, but I do think it's possible to have both. Still, This place is a really nice find, and I think I'll like it here. :D
I've been traveling and missed this thread. Welcome @Copen-08. About the site's history: I started this forum in 2012 and it's been going strong ever since. Our members are our biggest strength, and as you mentioned, we maintain a strong Google ranking because the site is a genuine with lots of unique discussions. I also run XboxForums.com (which has slowed down recently) and a few other forums, but this site sits close to home for me because I've been a Nintendo gamer my whole life. Occasionally we go on campaigns to recruit members from other gaming forums (the last one was TheWiiU.com), and we should probably do that again soon. Reddit is definitely a good source of new members. Welcome again!
Thanks for the welcome, and history, @crunchyg . I always know a forum will be good when the admin still takes the time to welcome new members. :D

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