3DS Found a Nintendo 3DS on an Airplane

It has Yo-Kai Watch in it, I believe there are some digital downloads/purchases as well.
Oh man, money in the pot for that guy.
As hope dwindles to find the original owner, I decided to peel the tacky Sonic the Hedgehog stickers that were plastered all over it. What I found beneath was a shimmering gold and black Tri-Force 3DS XL. Is this a special edition something or another?
Yep. Why would ANYONE put stickers on a SE? Especially a Zelda edition? The owner doesn't deserve to get it back.
I would just leave it with Airport staff as they will probably call back or go back looking for it. Major props though for trying to return it, I know most people would just keep it, so good for you. Karma is on your side.
Well that is a good find. It is certainly better than anything that I have ever found anywhere, let along an airplane. I am usually in such a rush to get off or so worried to myself about no crashing that I am sure I even look around at all, but maybe that will change with this little news. I have found some good things in my day, mostly books, but now I really need to step up my game. Thanks for sharing.
You found my 3DS!!!!! Thank you.
I also found a DS not too long ago, I waa walking home and saw red in the grass, behold a Nintendo DS. It didn't work, there was no battery. I still have it, but I don't need it. I keep it in my junk collection. I feel that if someone lost it, and you can't return it, then just keep it.

Does anyone know if they can be rebooted, like how you can factory reset your phone? I found a cell phone one day and it had a pin on it. I literally couldn't return the phone unless someone called so I could let them know that I wanted to return it, but no one did. I reset it, and now it's my music phone. Sometimes you just can't get something back to someone who lost it.

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