Wii Favorite place to buy games

Gamestop, Amazon, Bestbuy, Wallmart. Or the grocery store You name it i have bought games from there
I used to love going check it out in gamestop until the Nintendo stuff got smaller and smaller and pushed into the corner. Now the stores are so crowded its almost not fun. I just go to get what i want and leave. Also, (among other episodes) employees really rubbed me the wrong way when they tried to convince me I'd never find a wii u deluxe.

Guess I'm just getting old
Typically I buy from GameStop, Target, and Amazon.
Back when Blockbuster was still a thing, I used to love to scavenge their Nintendo 64 and GameCube sections. Got lots of quality games for $10 from them.

Oh yeah, I remember that place. Barely. I wonder what happened to it? I think I got Luigi's Mansion for GameCube from there.

Anyway, I usually buy games through GameStop, Vintage Stock, and maybe Target.
LOLZ HAHAHA :DBlockbuster oh yeah what was that place. I remember some place called that. I barely went there since i did not have an card i went to game stop and game fly and i got my movies from the library and Red box
That was funny:p You made me Laugh:D:D:D
jk i bought games from there and movies but relly:p:p:p
OMG they're clowning Blockbuster! Thanks a lot youngsters! Im proud to be Gen X, and i feel a new thread coming on!
I always buy my stuff from Best Buy because I have GCU which gives me 20% off new games ($47.99 for brand new releases is great), plus the people at GameStop aren't very helpful in my area. Sometimes I go there to trade a game or two in or if they're having a B2G1 on used games but otherwise it's all Best Buy.

I've bought games from pretty much everywhere that sells them. Target, Wal-Mart, Five Below ($5 store near me), etc. I think I bought a game at Kohl's once. That was weird.
We have a great shop in my city where you can get all the newest releases and other cool stuff. However, sometimes I use Amazon and E-bay.
My favorite place is called disc traders. It sells all sorts of old game stuff, that's where i got my Gamecube Luigi's Mansion!
Craigslist, surprisingly. I'll even offer what I want for games and post that sometimes, get a lot of stuff way less than full price. I also resell back on craigslist, sometimes for more than I paid...I am basically 1-man gamestop but without the inventory and really not at all like gamestop.
While in the past I used to but a lot of games that were second hand via the trade ins, in-store, these days I just normally download them.

That goes for the new games on the consoles, aswell as the older games on PC as I just don't think that buying and trading in physical copies of games is worth it anymore.
I get mine from Amazon. The prices are usually at least a little cheaper, and I have a Prime membership, so the shipping is discounted. I'll sometimes go to GameStop, but it's always more expensive, and some of the employees at my local GameStop and less than nice, so I prefer Amazon.
When it comes to Amazon,I've never bought games from there but I know that millions of people do. In fact I think one of the main reasons it became so popular in the first place was because of the boom in technology we've seen in recent years, and that includes gaming.

At the end of the day though, there are still a lot of people that don't like to buy over the internet as they have security concerns and with the horror stories you hear sometimes that's understandable. If Amazon and other online marketplaces could be 100% secure, then I have no doubt that they would dominate the gaming market.
My favorite Places are Pawn Shops & Retro Video game stores, like M&J Video Games & Game Exchange, I do go to Gamestop to get Wii games, since their dirt cheap there. I think they are just trying to get rid of them. Which is good for me.

Also Pawn shops are great places.
I also check out any tag/yard/garage sales & flea Markets/Swap Meets
Well I am kind of in the same boat as @NintendoTech and I seem to like the grimy and gritty places. I am not a fan of the pawn shops that we have here in town, but we have a very similar store that is dedicated to electronics, and it is a bit more reputable and legitimate as well, which always helps. They have a good selection of games from all consoles too, which is great because I can browse there for hours.
I always go to game stop most of the time like 85% because they have pretty much everything I want, and when they don't have it, I just order it from online and ship it to my house.

I like taking advantage of collecting points and using them for game purchases, I've saved literally hundreds so far and got free games because of that.

Game stop is my club house, and I will always go there. Been going there since I got my girst game system which was the PS1.

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