Game Boy Favorite Game Boy game

Pokemon Gold/Silver was the best! I played them non-stop back then.
My favorite Game Boy games are absolutely all the Pokemon games. Right now I still play some of them like Pokemon Emerald, Fire Red. Also I like The Legend Of Zelda, one of them, Zelda Minish... I think these are classical for every gamer in the world, or anyone who ever had a Game boy.
Most people say Pokemon games, but I would go with the Super Wario Land one. It was like a Mario game, but with Wario, and that made a world of a difference. Not only the protagonist was different, but you would get to play with a villain, in a different world with different enemies. The approach was different as well, so, as someone who at that time had played Super Mario World before, I was really impressed by how much I would enjoy playing a colorless game of the same kind and still waste lots of batteries on that.
Pokemon Red, just like most other people :D
I'm going to also have to vote for Pokémon, but my pick is Pokémon Yellow. To be honest, outside of Tetris and Super Mario Land, I haven't played that many Game Boy games as I didn't have one as a kid, and my friends who did broke their pretty soon after getting it on Christmas.
The Nintendo Game Boy's library is overwhelming, to say the least. So many great games to pick from, that's it's often hard to just only have one favorite title. But it's going to have to be The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening as the top contender from my list of favorite Game Boy games. Primarily because it's one of the few Zelda titles that can hold it's own against the mighty Zelda: A Link to the Past on the SNES.
Argh, I suck at those topics! >_< I can't decide for one game by itself. ^^; Wow, saw a lot of Pokemon in here though. =O
As for Pokemon, Pokemon Crystal was my favorite. ^^ I remember when he send it to our P.O. box over in Germany (American military base) and I held the game in my hand while my mom was sending off some packages. ^^

With that short story aside... Donkey Kong Land III is definitely one of my biggest favorites, because it helped me through my childhood... long story.
AHEM! Other than that... I did enjoy a lot of GB and GBC games, especially...
Wario Land I & II,
Super Mario Land I & II,
and more. ^^ Sorry that I can't choose 1 favorite. >_<

(Edit: didn't see there's a GBA section so I edited out the GBA games *sweat*)
My favourite games are definitely the Pokemon Gen 1, especially the old Pokemon Yellow. I also like the Super Mario and Zelda.
Zelda: Oracle of Ages. Tremendous game! I liked when Link's stuff got stolen.
Easily Pokemon Blue and Yellow. Those were pretty much the only Game Boy games I ever played despite me owning a few other titles. I also really liked Pokemon Pinball on the Game Boy, but that's also a Pokemon game lol.

I have the exact same opinion. Pokemon marked a lot my childhood and teenage years and they're my favorite games. Besides Pokemon Pinball (which I also loved) I also really liked the Pokemon Trading Card Game, even though a lot of people think it isn't that good (at least the ones I spoke to)
As many others have said, Pokemon Red. It and a green GameBoy Pocket were my introduction to gaming, with my brother getting Blue version.
Definitely Pokémon, but I actually liked Gen 2 better, not completely sure why. I don't really remember playing much of Gen 1 although I know I did, but I remember playing a lot of Gen 2, and I guess it just holds more nostalgia for me. I liked Tertis as well, and this old Star Wars game that I can't remember the name of. I also had a Pocahontas game that I liked to play.
The only Gameboy that I've ever had was the first original one, and my favorite game on that believe it or not was Tetris! While I know that if you look at the games that are available today, even on the hand held gaming consoles it looks unbelievably outdated and old fashioned, but as a game itself...even now I think its one of the most addictive games that you can play, and the fact that people are still playing it now (all be it a more advanced version) just goes to show that a game doesn't have to be graphically brilliant in order for it to be a good game.
I agree with you guys who picked Pokemon Red. I definitely will not forget the bliss of playing Pokemon the first time on a GameBoy. Those were the days where I just can't stop playing until I fall asleep. It's an absolute joy. Not to mention walkthroughs and tutorials are not readily available back then so I have to figure everything out myself. Solving a puzzle made me jump for joy everytime. Yeah, those were the days...
Pokemon does seem to be one of the most popular, if not THE most popular game to ever appear on the mobile gaming platforms. Pokemon it seems is synonymous with Nintendo almost as much as Mario is, and maybe that's not such a bad thing.

While I can see the benefit of a company such as Nintendo having a couple of game series to rely on, I do think that moving forward they might be in danger of getting stuck in a bit of a rut. When the NX comes out for example, how long is it going to be before people start asking when the Mario and Pokemon games are coming out, and while I'm sure they will come out, is that really what Nintendo's new gaming machine is really going to be remembered for?
Could or could be not. There is so much uncertainty at this point that one can only speculate. The NX looks to be Nintendo's saving grace and we can only hope for the best. Either way, I will continue to play Pokemon / Mario and games from other franchises for as long as I can enjoy playing them!
With any new Nintendo console, we'll no doubt always get the Pokemon and Mario games as like I've said before they go hand in hand with each other, but I think if Nintendo rely on those franchises instead of creating new ones, then I just think that Nintendo will have missed a trick.

People like to play new versions of their old favourites, but we also want new games to play as well and I for one would like to see a new game start up that in ten years time people are still playing, just like we are with these. Nintendo have been going for a number of years, and to only have two game franchises to fall back on isn't that impressive I don't think and that's why I want Nintendo to come up with others.
Well, they have other really good franchises (Zelda, Donkey Kong, Smash Bros) too, but it's just that Pokemon and Mario are that dominant and popular. They're also not gonna catch up to Sony and Microsoft's consoles in terms of power (or dev support I guess?) any time soon so their options are limited. But yeah I would love to be proven wrong.

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