Wii U Does the Wii U have enough games to compete with other systems?

I honestly don't really know. I was wondering if I should get a Wii U and it's pretty hard for me to come up with an answer. I think that Nintendo always had the weakest ports whenever games would be multi-platform. I also think their exclusives only appeal to Nintendoheads and not the people who want real quality gaming. I would get it for Smash Bros maybe, but that's about it.
Every time Nintendo launches a new console, there's a period when it seems like they're going to get the third party thing right. At least now that they've got an HD console there's a pretty good chance we'll see more third party games on par with the PS4/Xbone counterpoarts.
I would get it for Smash Bros maybe, but that's about it.

But that's the only reason that they have Super Smash Bros. They know that people will buy the Wii U JUST for the game. (Personally, I know that I would buy it just for the game.) However, I think that Nintendo is really smart in terms of knowing who to advertise for. My family have been Nintendoheads since we can remember -- thus we would keep buying the games as long as they provide nostalgia for us. *shrugs*
The sad part about Nintendo is, technologically they are pulling it off, the Wii U is capable of some great games, trouble is it's not being used, of course, that could be partially the fault of the players. I mean look at some of the stuff people are giving 5 star ratings to, the indie game Meme Run, seriously, I seen the screenshots and description and I could crap something more entertaining. What has Nintendo players been smoking that makes them see games like that as beautiful artwork and hours of fun. Why should Nintendo raise their quality when the players have flushed their expectations down the toilet.
Nintendo has really mucked up the game selection and variety for Wii-U so I do not think it will compete with other consoles. It may come close and produce many games, but it is too late to compete with other systems. Nintendo has waited too long to bring in games.
Yeah, Nintendo has been slow to roll out quality stuff for the Wii U, but I still think they can recover better than they did with the Wii. This year is going to be pretty pivotal for them.
trouble there is, I see this year being the same as last year, 3 maybe 4 Wii u games, 2 or 3 really badly done indy games that look like they were scribbled by a 1 year old and that's about it, with the 3DS as always getting the full support and attention from everyone at Nintendo as if the 3DS can compete with the newest Xbox and Playstation
I reckon it has enough games and more coming out, so it would not have to worry about competition as that much there are games from other consoles which have been put into this like Aragorn quest and Batman which looks good on it. As long as they keep the fans happy and the quality good, they won't have to worry a lot and will be able to get buyers who like the console and the games they release. I reckon it will do well in the months ahead and will be surprising to see what games are made and, which ones are more popular than the other ones in the months ahead.
I'd love to say 'yes' & pledge my allegiance to Nintendo but can we be honest? No, of course not. Look at the upcoming titles from PS4 or Xbox One. It obliterates what Wii U has been able to compile for years. It's limited & that's the issue. They need a new competent console.

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