What is so GREAT about Zelda?

pandabear1991, your Zelda knowledge is awesome! This subject is near and dear to me so id like to chime in again and say: it aint the combat. The reason i love these games, have tshirts, tattoos and toys is because of the emotion the stories and music bring. The music is beautiful and tells the story for you, the characters don't even talk out loud. They don't have to.

a few examples: WW, when you set out to sea, the sun comes up, wind in your sails, sea gulls pass you up and "The Great Sea" starts playing you really feel something

how about anytime on any game, Zelda laments on her kingdom's situation while her Lullaby is playing? always tugs on my heart

Well, to each their own, of course, but in my case, when a close friend passed me a golden NES cart called 'Legend of Zelda' back when I was around 13, I lost a lot of sleep and my entire concept of video games was steadily being blown out of whack.

I'm quite sure that many later and current Zelda titles are fantastic and polished, but to have actually been there for the release of the original, at that age....I dunno...something I can't quite put my finger on...
The original Zelda was magical. It was an RPG that wasn't quite an RPG. You get a sword in the first 20 seconds of the game, and then you're thrown right in the middle of action fighting Octoroks. And in the following 30 seconds you get your head handed to you.
I'm in a similar boat with the OP. It's not that I don't understand Zelda or what's good about Zelda games generally it's just that they never spoke to me. I own a good majourity of them & I've played them for a bit but I've never become as invested as I've felt I should considering I'm such an avid player.

Speaking to what someone else posted: I feel that way about CoD as well. Never caught that bug. The first person shooter perspective on those games is literally nauseating for me so I'm sure that doesn't help.
^ thanks, i said that about COD. it was like that when Mortal Kombat came out. All i heard on the playground was fatality this and fatality that. i got so tired of hearing about it, i didn't even want to try it.
I think that's really what CoD has going for it. An audience. Your group of friends (& enemies I suppose) online at the same time playing the same game in a group environment. I rarely hear people talking about the first player storyline when the game comes up.
Regarding the 'cod' scene, I find it negativity-inducing and rather gross. The games are essentially training aides for the US military aimed directly at the angst-filled, rage fueled 'young male demographic'....pass the Mt. Dew!

To each their own, though - I'm sure there are at least a FEW players of cod that are NOT brimming with misplaced hate/racist/punkass tendencies/homophobia/etc.!

Zelda is just a gaming series that really sparked interest in gaming. It provides you with basic RPG elements that almost any gamer can understand. Also the simple button layoff really provided a way to give less thought to that and more though to playing and being the character. Also Zelda continues to evolve as time develops giving gamers more stuff.
Regarding the 'cod' scene, I find it negativity-inducing and rather gross. The games are essentially training aides for the US military aimed directly at the angst-filled, rage fueled 'young male demographic'....pass the Mt. Dew!

To each their own, though - I'm sure there are at least a FEW players of cod that are NOT brimming with misplaced hate/racist/punkass tendencies/homophobia/etc.!

(in Neo's voice) Whoaaaa

Has it right. Whoaaaaaa.

But what is great is the lore it brings and how it rearranges the lore each game into a new storytelling while still using elements to link all the games together. It's difficult and if pulled off well (Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time) is still talked about today because of it.

Not only that, but the freedom of exploring inside a limited linear setting is also engaging and wildly fun. You can run anywhere at anytime and just mess around. For awhile I just smacked a bunch of chickens and threw bombs everywhere. Yeah, Link's a dick.

Zelda has always been a revolutionary game. Each installment of the game always feels fresh and new. Every game feels open and encourages you to follow the story. The fantasy theme fits the gameplay perfectly. Although not all of the games are very good (Spirit Tracks ugh), the more popular games have a perfect blend of RPG, action, and story. I would highly recommend you play one of the games, for a start I would recommend A Link to the Past.

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