Hyrule Chicken
Well-Known Member
Alright, Battletoads is widely considered as one of the hardest games of all time. So, who here has actually managed to beat the game? Who's in the coveted gamers club that can proudly stand up and say they've made it to the end credits?
The source of all of your gamer nightmares:
Who actually managed to get pass this !@#$?
I am proud to say that I'm part of the group of people who've managed to get to the end of Battletoads and finish the game. I won't say how long it took me, and how much of my sanity I had to sacrifice, but I did it!
The source of all of your gamer nightmares:

Who actually managed to get pass this !@#$?

I am proud to say that I'm part of the group of people who've managed to get to the end of Battletoads and finish the game. I won't say how long it took me, and how much of my sanity I had to sacrifice, but I did it!