The Legend of Dragoon, PlayStation 1


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2015
Nintendo 64

The Legend of Dragoon, for the playstation 1 -- where to begin. I loved everything about it, from the Dragooning system itself to the fresh new lore and gameplay while still being control-turn based.

There was a chunk of story for everyone to latch on to here as well, and the content the game had was startlingly well planned out.

So, anyone else play this?

Here's some music from it, to this day one of my favorite world maps:

(World map theme two, for those who can't view it)

And Gameplay:
(Beginning intro and some gameplay, a Let's Play Series)
I got this on PSN and its sitting on my PS3 waiting to be played. Everyone I talk to say the game is great but can be very long to play. I can't wait to try it out.
It's not long long, but it's very well designed over the discs it spans. And keep in mind for the day this came out, the game was pretty awesome graphics and battles.

Most overlook this fine game and it's a shame because it deserves a list on top 5 RPGs.
It's not long long, but it's very well designed over the discs it spans. And keep in mind for the day this came out, the game was pretty awesome graphics and battles.

Most overlook this fine game and it's a shame because it deserves a list on top 5 RPGs.

I've played FF 7 when it was released, so I know about how a game was the best at its release and not aging well. Which dragoons appears it hasn't.
I'd say the overall experience of the JRPG on the PS1 Console was a major similar vibe (same general release dates, some generaly same studios even for SOME games) much like FF7 or any other JRPG you could chuck out there during their lifetimes.

Dragoons may have not aged well, but I guarantee the storyline to keep you enticed, if not the characters and overall theme. It was a very wide and sweeping epic, just like most rpgs on the PS1.
I do enjoy the RPGs of today, but I agree they don't contain the same greatness that SNES and PS1 RPGs held. I wonder if a lot of the writers quit or died? Or maybe RPG has been overly done?

anyways, I hope to be playing this game in the fall.
A lot of TODAYS RPGS are not JRPGS, they are American companies or American companies hiring out to Japanese studios. A bunch of game companies are even based overseas (European - like Ubisoft France or Canadian like Ubisoft Montreal). I also would imagine a bunch of the older folks who coded those NES/SNES/PS1 rpgs are retired or no longer even program.

Not saying todays rpgs suck by any stretch, it just felt so much more well made because they knew graphics wouldn't be their strong suit, so they had to use music and the storytelling aspects to push their games. Now they just can make a beautiful game with barely any content and call it complete.

Maybe I'm just bitter, or fiending for nostalgia. Who knows.
I bought the Legend of Dragoon when it launched. I remember how much the game mags were hyping this rpg, primarily for it's battle system. I must admit the battle system is quite fun, sort of reminds me of Chrono Cross. Initially, when I started playing it - I didn't really enjoy it. But I gave it a chance and I slowly started warming up to the characters and the universe in general. Definitely one of those lost PS1 gems that too many people have forgotten about.
Replayed it again a bit at a time here over the summer when I had no internet for the week. Fun to roll out emulators and forget. another great gem I forgot about is Legend of Legaia as well. The MISTS MAN!

But man, Dragoon had such a wonky start, but by the end, and Melbhu Frahma...masterpiece.

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