GameCube Skies of Arcadia


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2013
Nintendo 64
Has anyone played this on the gamecube? it was an amazing game which is a port from the Sega. Its a fun RPG with a good story, mostly based on sky pirates full of fun sky battles.

If you still have a gamecube, I highly recommend trying this game out.
Oh my goodness, a Skies of Arcadia thread that I didn't make.

Skies of Arcadia is literally my favorite game of all time! If you couldn't tell from my avatar/username, haha. I've been obsessed with it since its Dreamcast days, but unfortunately I had no Dreamcast in my home and my family was strapped for cash as it was. I nearly cried tears of joy when I got the news it was getting remade for Gamecube despite the shoddy sales.

These days, I'm just hoping Sega will put it up for digital download...I should let it go, but the Skies of Arcadia racetrack in Sonic All-Stars gave me new hope. The track, by the way, is gorgeous; it perfectly captures the feeling of the game in less than five minutes. I was super impressed.
P4Rgaming is a satire website! :)

In any case, I'd be okay with no sequel, even if it is a shame as there is a ton you can still do with the world. Really, I just want the original on an easy-to-access place like steam or PSN, so I can encourage others to play it without feeling bad about how much a copy of it costs.
a game i regret never getting. i always had my eye on, and ended up getting something else. be nice if it would come to the VC
a game i regret never getting. i always had my eye on, and ended up getting something else. be nice if it would come to the VC

getting a another game is near impossible it seems, but I think it be an excellent game for VC release. Hopefully one day.
I'm so glad you brought up Skies of Arcadia, probably one of my favorite games on the GameCube. While Sega may have left the console race with the demise of the Dreamcast, the magic was not all gone yet. Skies of Arcadia easily destroyed Final Fantasy X in my opinion, it only lagged behind in terms of graphics but it was superior in everything else. Vyse was a cool character that I could connect with and it's just so fun much playing the role of sky pirates, truly a gem everyone should experience.

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