3DS Pokemon X and Y: Fairy Type


New Member
Jun 24, 2013
I don't play Pokemon anymore but I used to be a fanatic...and I heard that they're coming out with a new "Fairy" type in the next generation.

Does anyone else think this is a horrible idea? The only thing that Fairy interacts with is that it is super-effective against Dragon...that is incredibly boring. I hate it when they make certain types stand out from the rest by either completely being disadvantaged (like Normal type) or overadvantaged.

Also, "Fairy" type is so cliche...couldn't they have been more creative and original in coming up with some other type, that didn't sound so, well...gay? (No offense gay people).

And how the hell does a Fairy beat a Dragon?

Huge facepalm to the creators of the new Pokemon. Hopefully there will be other in-game features to make up for it.
My logic for Fairy types beating dragon is pretty reasonable I would say... My logic is simple as it is. FAIRY TALES.
In fairy tales there is always a dragon that is defeated in the end... This is just my logic! I think a more reasonable question is how does fighting beat
Well if you'll recall Dragon has always been a bit of a Knight when it comes to other types, so having Fairy be rather advantageous to Dragon is awesome although some titles have slightly nerfed Dragons. On the other hand Normal was a great type if you knew what to do with it - for one thing they were great with learning interesting non-Normal skills. I remember plowing through most of the game and beating the Elite 4 in Pokémon Yellow with several normal types on my permanent six. So yeah.

Besides which I don't see anything wrong with a Fairy type, as I recall there was Clefairy and Clefable. Togebi was a borderline case considering its appearance, it was also normal type and relatively evil (that stupid cow-thing from that other gym was the absolute worse though). I mean it isn't like half of the creatures aren't rather fairish in appearance or description so really it's about time.

As for beating a dragon - there are fairies like tinkerbell, and then there are the "Kind Ones" also known as the "Lords and Ladies of the Hunt". Maybe Tinkerbell couldn't beat a dragon, but a "Kind One" would totally murder it. Really considering we haven't seen one of these fairy types perhaps it would behoove us to wait before calling fail. Just a thought.
Wrong...we have seen some of these fairy types. You can go on Bulbapedia if you're that clueless.

I mean, fairy type, really?

Dragon is already weak against Dragon and Ice. That's more than Electric, which is only weak against Ground. I don't see a need to make dragon any weaker.

I think if they really want to balance dragon and leverage it out a bit, they can stop making twenty new ultra-powerful legendaries every generation, that are all some combination with Dragon Type. I've never seen a fucking Bug type legendary as far as I can recall.

Also, the only thing that Fairy type has any interaction with is Dragon, that's all. No weaknesses, and no other strengths.

Since Fairy has one strength but no weaknesses, now they'll eventually have to balance THAT out with something...how do you think they're going to do that?

Sandara said:
My logic for Fairy types beating dragon is pretty reasonable I would say... My logic is simple as it is. FAIRY TALES.
In fairy tales there is always a dragon that is defeated in the end... This is just my logic! I think a more reasonable question is how does fighting beat
Fairies were never the ones that defeated dragons in fairy tales, as far as I can remember.

I agree the Fighting-Dark one is weird, I guess you could say Fighting would be like Superman, and the Dark (Evil) would be the "bad guy" of sorts, and the good guy always beats the bad guy...I don't know, I'm just guessing.

Either way it makes more sense than fairy beats dragon.

How is Tinkerbell going to slay a dragon?
I like the new type, I would have preferred they kept it how it was, but it doesn't bother me. And like most say, in fairy tales a dragon is defeated, so that is how fairy beats dragon. I love Pokemon and I can't wait for these new games. They may be the best thing since hoen, seeing how the last 2 generations have been quite lacking.
Keep in mind that while they said it would be super effective against Dragons, they didn't exactly detail the complete advantage/disadvantage relationship with all of the types. Who knows how else this plays in the metagame. I know I hope to see famous fairy-tale monsters from mythos come out of this type, not just pixies and sylphs.

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