Wii U N64 and Gamecube games for Virtual Console

Aug 27, 2013
Nintendo 2DS
I hope Nintendo starts making N64 And GameCube games downloadable for the Wii U. Also I would like to see Old school Nintendo Arcade games like Radar Scope, Space Fever, Sheriff, etc. make their way to the Wii U for downloads.
I think it would help quite a bit. Besides they would make good games to use the off-tv play feature with since they won't use the second screen.
Nintendo could make a lot of money if they used some manpower to create ALL the old games in Nintendo history. This would be a monumental project, yet I believe many of the games would be hot sellers. The original Rygar comes to mind. I only found the arcade version on the Wii.
I really don't think it would be that hard. If they made a process for it. It would be extremely simple to do considering they have the source code from the gamecube so they could easily program a GC emulator that would be easy to convert games for like the N64 Emulator on the Wii.
Wouldn'y GameCube games require a lot of hard disc space though? I'm sure they could sell add on storage discs, but this would distract from the appeal in my opinion. Classic games shouldn't be cost restrictive.
I would like to see a fix for Lost Winds one to be transferd to the Wii U, And a new Star Fox & Wing Commander game for the Wii U.
iceskater101 said:
Didn't the wii allow you to download those games?
The Wii allowed you to download N64 games, but I never saw a Gamecube game on there. The amount of space required would fill the harddisc up pretty fast.
Also Nintendo Old Arcade games like, Monkey Magic, Space Fever, Radar Scope, Space Launcher, Heli Fire, Block Fiber, Sheriff, etc will be great downloads!!!!!!
Thomas Ennis said:
The Wii allowed you to download N64 games, but I never saw a Gamecube game on there. The amount of space required would fill the harddisc up pretty fast.

Could be a space issue. I assume they also made it a point because of the Wiis ability to play Gamecube games. So, those that did not happen to purchase a Gamecube and jumped straight to the Wii could participate in purchasing the games. Which, I do recall, I did.
i would like to see PS1 titles make there way to the Wii U download. just the 3rd party games. without the PS1 logo and stuff.

I did here that DS games might be making there way for a Wii U download.
They'd make all sorts of money off of something like that. It'd be great for Wii U marketing too.
Majora's Mask was on the N64...unless you mean you want to download the Zelda Collector's edition?
All I know is if Nintendo ever decided to do that then I will be getting a WII U for sure. The best console that I ever had for the Nintendo had to be the N64. I really enjoyed the games on that console and must admit that that was a good good time in my life. I don't think that that type of project would be that hard for the to do.
Thomas Ennis said:
The Wii allowed you to download N64 games, but I never saw a Gamecube game on there. The amount of space required would fill the harddisc up pretty fast.

Partly it was a space issue, but mostly it was because the Gamecube was still being supported. It was only last gen remember? Although they could have began offering a suitable digital download thing, but they would have had to charge a lot more than we're used to.
If one can dowload N64 game with a Wii, then where and how do I go about downloading the N64 Games on my Wii? I wasn't aware that could be done. I want Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. I bought my Wii from my son and his girlfriend, (who obviously wanted money and they never played with the console anyway,) so I could get Skyward Sword. OH! I want the Banjo-Kazooie games too!
You guys are getting off topic. This is downloads to the Wii U. NOT the Wii.
hoodoowytch said:
If one can dowload N64 game with a Wii, then where and how do I go about downloading the N64 Games on my Wii? I wasn't aware that could be done. I want Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. I bought my Wii from my son and his girlfriend, (who obviously wanted money and they never played with the console anyway,) so I could get Skyward Sword. OH! I want the Banjo-Kazooie games too!
I'm gonna help you out real quick. To get N64 games for your Wii. Go to the nintendo shop should be on the home page. Unfortunately you can only get the Banjo Kazooie games in the Xbox 360. As Microsoft bought out rare quite some time ago. As for downloads to the Wii U, I'd love to get Metroid Prime 1 & 2 for it.

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