Wii U Honestly, should Nintendo have a Tablet less SKU?


New Member
Mar 14, 2013
One thing is clear, nobody is talking about the Wii U since the Sony announcement and all eyes are on Xbox. If they removed the tablet they could drop the price. I really see the Wii U as a sinking ship but I am hoping for the best. What you you guys think?
Well, the way I see it is like this:
They charge $350 for a 'premium' version with a 32GB drive instead of 8GB

What they oughta do is this:
drop the '$350' premium model down to $300 and have it include the tablet controller
offer a tablet-less model for $160, 8GB in storage
A tablet-included model of the same price for $200
a non-tablet 32GB model for $250.

I think if they have a pricing system similar to that, the Wii-U will be flying off the shelves a lot quicker.
Of course it would be great if Nintendo could drop the price a bit, but I don't think the manufacturing costs would allow that. I think people know, or they need to understand that they are paying a bit more for the 'fancy controller', th thing is, Nintendo needs to emphasize on the thing that makes the Wii U so unique, they could do that announcing and realeasing a solid list of games that will exploit the Wii U's exclusive technology.
They COULD do that but they haven't yet. That's like when Sony announced all those nifty things the Vita can do via remoteplay, being able to play PS3 titles on the go, then they turn around and say it can't be done but will be able to be done via PS4....Nintendo needs to really start pumping out GOOD games that aren't just mario and zelda rehashes...
Smokey said:
They COULD do that but they haven't yet. That's like when Sony announced all those nifty things the Vita can do via remoteplay, being able to play PS3 titles on the go, then they turn around and say it can't be done but will be able to be done via PS4....Nintendo needs to really start pumping out GOOD games that aren't just mario and zelda rehashes...
I agree with this, I don't think it's too much about the price as it is about the value when it comes to people not buying into the Wii U. I myself think the tablet is a nifty idea and also I wouldn't mind paying the price they set on it, but I would feel much better about spending that money if only there were a bigger and better library associated with the console.
I think it's a bit too late in the day for Nintendo to do this. The tablet was a bad idea, or you could say it wasn't implemented well. I don't think the price point is what's holding the Wii U back, after all it's cheaper to it's competitors. Lack of certain 3rd-party franchises and the notion that it's under-powered is what's holding most folks back from purchasing one.
I think there would have to be a lot they would have to do to make that possible. Many of the menus and apps are only accessible with the Wii U Game Pad, and while say you can use YouTube with your smart phone, that's about the extent of what you could do without the tablet controller. I almost always use the Pro controller when playing games, however when I had to wait a week because I needed to replace the battery in it, it cut down the functionality of the console by like, 70%. You also have to keep in mind that it wouldn't just be on Nintendo's end either. You would need every company who made every game to release a patch to make the games playable with the pro controller that aren't already. For example, you can play the LEGO games with the pro controller but to get into the game you need the game pad. Stupid, I know, but it would take a lot to make the game pad not a necessity to own the console.

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