Hello from Chilly New England


New Member
Dec 27, 2017
Nintendo 2DS
Hi all, so I've been a Nintendo gamer since the original NES came out. I've owned MOST of the Nintendo systems except for the last couple released (spent my money on a PS4, sorry). Anyway, I just got the Legend of Zelda edition 2ds for Xmas and am having a blast revisiting Ocarina of Time. Thought I'd join the forums and learn what else I can do with my toy. I also plan to create a bit of a collectors pack of Zelda stuff, just for fun. I have the original gold cartridge Ocarina of Time with the box and gold bag from the store (I preordered back then).

Ok well I'm going to try and stay warm up here in New Hampshire, won't get above 0 tomorrow, and not much warmer than that today!
Well hello from a fellow Zelda fan from slightly cool southern Louisiana! Welcome to the forums, check us out and let us know what you think
Welcome @AlienNinjaDad
Congrats on your new toy! Hope you like it!
No need to apologize about having a PS4. I have one too. Most here aren't Nintendo fanboys but fanboys of gaming in general. :)
Oh, and I feel your winter pain. I live in Minnesota. It was below 0 all day across the state. I wanna leave lol
Welcome! What a winter on the East Coast so far!
Salutations from the United States. What's going on? How's gaming been for you lately? I own almost all the Nintendo Systems. except for the Color TV games. I have the Atari 2600, Sears Tele Games Intellivision, Sega Genesis Model 3, Sega Dreamcast, PS2 FAT & PS3 Super Slim.

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