Hello everyone


Jul 24, 2017
The netherlands
Hey everyone.

I'm FaithofBlood.
I'm not so much into the whole 'introduction'-thread if I need to be honest. Personally I feel like I'm writting an essay for my english teacher in highschool.... And we don't want those boring essays, do we?

SO, lets make it short!
I'm girl with 14 years of gaming experiencing who lives in the netherlands with italian roots.
Right now I'm 19 years old and doing college with a part-time job.

So about my favourite games?
I'm pretty much what people will call a 'retro'-gamer.
I preffer older games in general. I should warn you guys, I'm a nintendo, sony and pc-gamer.

Zelda the windwaker~Nintendo gamecube version.
Pokemon colosseum ~Nintendo gamecube
Super mario sunshine ~Nintendo gamecube
Super mario galaxy ~ Wii
Bloodrayne ~Nintendo gamecube version
Soul calibur 2 ~Nintendo gamecube version
Uncharted 1 till 3 ~PS3
The legend of spyro dawn of the dragon ~ PS2 version
World of Warcraft ~PC
Mario 64 ~NDS lite
Heartstone ~PC

These are just some of the more classic games I like. I personally have a great obession with the nintendo gamecube. I am a big collector when it comes to my current consoles. Right now for example I'm rebuilding my gamecube collection and bassicly looking for a n64.

I play on : | Nintendo gamecube | Nintendo gameboy advance | Nintendo DS Lite | Nintendo Wii (Early edition)| Sony playstation| Sony Playstation 2| Sony Playstation 3| PC and laptop|

If you guys have any questions for me, or anything else that you want to say, please let me know!
(I'm sorry if my english isn't that good, I'm mainly speaking italian and dutch.)
welcome! your English is better than mine and it's my only language! But seriously, i am glad to see some of my favorite games on your list: Wind Waker is my favorite all time, and I love Mario Sunshine also. Glad to have you!
Welcome to the forums @FaithofBlood ! Glad to see someone who appreciates the classic games.

Well to be honest it are mostly the games that got me into the gaming. Plus I think without the classic games we couldn't have made it so far as we do today with the gaming industry. Plus I purely enjoy them more because the games had a way diffrent vibe then games today.
welcome! your English is better than mine and it's my only language! But seriously, i am glad to see some of my favorite games on your list: Wind Waker is my favorite all time, and I love Mario Sunshine also. Glad to have you!
Thank you! I try my best when it comes to speaking english. My grammer usually sucks in general so yeah I sometimes have to watch out before I post something because sometimes it will make 0 sense haha.
And it were just a couple of favourite games ;) I feel glad that you liked it ;)
I like that you list gaming as experience, in years. :D
Haha well it only means for me that Iknow what games I like and what im not into. Also I think after a while that people like games for other reasons rather then bassic reasons, for example sometimes in games the level design is pretty much that make me play the game.
Welcome to the forums!

EDIT: Oh, you've already been here for a while. My bad!

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