Wii U Drawing Capabilities

Miss Peach

Nov 1, 2012
When I first saw demos on Youtube, for the Wii U, I saw a person drawing Link in great detail. Do you think the new controller will have awesome drawing capabilities like they showed, or is it something they showed us just to get us excited? I am an artist and would love for some kind of Wii U artistic game!
When I first saw demos on Youtube, for the Wii U, I saw a person drawing Link in great detail. Do you think the new controller will have awesome drawing capabilities like they showed, or is it something they showed us just to get us excited? I am an artist and would love for some kind of Wii U artistic game!

People also seem to be able to draw on commercials for toaster strudel with the icing, doesn't mean everyone is that artistic. Some people can make amazing art with an etch-a-sketch.... but most people can't. I'm sure there will be some paint-like drawing application, but odds are, it won't be as detailed or intense as something like photoshop - probably more along the lines of "doodles" than artwork.
I was just wondering if the pad would pick up the stylus good or if it would just be agravation. The Wii released some kind of drawing accessory a while back. Did anyone buy it? I never could remember to pick it up and nkne of my friends did either. I wonder how the Wii U controller compares to it?
That was the uDraw, a third-party "GameTablet" accessory. It sold really well on the Wii, so THQ also made PS3 and Xbox 360 versions, and then it tanked miserably. The Wii U GamePad is going to be superior to uDraw in every respect, including build quality and, of course, software.
If it's anything like the touchpad on the DS, drawing with great detail probably won't be easy. Your best bet is to invest in a graphics tablet if you're a serious artist.
It works decently well and is fun for anyone who is not a professional painter. But don't think that you will be getting the WiiU as a replacement for a Bamboo drawing pad or something similar. It´s more for fun than anything else.

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